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Reog Ponorogo and warok

Reog is one of the cultural arts that originated from East Java, the northwest and Ponorogo considered Reog actual hometown. Ponorogo city gate was decorated by the figure Warok and gemblak, two figures who participated appear at Reog demonstrated. Reog is one proof of local culture in Indonesia is still very thick with things mystical and mysticism are powerful.

History Reog Ponorogo
Basically there are five versions of the popular story that develops in the community about the origins and Warok Reog, but one of the most famous story is the story of the rebellion Ki Ageng Fleas, a man of the kingdom during the Bra Kertabumi, the last ruling King of Majapahit in the century -15. Ki Ageng Lice wrath will the strong influence of the Chinese co-king in the government and the corrupt behavior of the king, he saw that the power of the Majapahit Kingdom will end.
He then left the king and founded the college where he teaches young kids martial arts, science, self-immunity, and the science of perfection in the hope that these young children will be the seed of the resurrection of the Majapahit kingdom again later. Aware that his forces are too small to fight the royal troops Ki Ageng the political message conveyed through the performing arts Lice Reog, which is a "satire" to the King and his kingdom Kertabumi Bra. A show Ki Ageng Reog be a way to build resistance Lice local communities using Reog popularity.

Featured in the show Reog mask lion-shaped head, known as "Singa Barong", king of the jungle, which became a symbol for Kertabumi, and above it is plugged in peacock feathers to resemble a giant fan that symbolize the strong influence of his Chinese colleagues who manage the over all motion.
Jatilan, played by a group of dancers gemblak a piggyback ride became a symbol of the kingdom of Majapahit forces in contrast to the comparative strength warok, behind the red clown mask that became the symbol for Ki Ageng lice, alone and carry the weight of the mask Singabarong that reach more of 50kg using only his teeth.
Popularity Reog Ki Ageng Ticks eventually lead Kertabumi perguruannya take action and attack, the rebellion by warok quickly overcome, and forbidden to continue teaching college will warok. However, students still continue Ki Ageng ticks quietly. However, the arts Reognya still allowed to be staged because the show has become popular among the public, but the story has a new groove in which added characters from folklore Ponorogo Kelono Sewondono namely, the Goddess Songgolangit, and Sri Genthayu.

The official version of the story line Reog Ponorogo now is the story of King Ponorogo who intend applying for princess of Kediri, Dewi Ragil Yellow, but the middle of the journey he was intercepted by King Singabarong of Kediri. The king's army consists of Singabarong peacocks and lions, while the King of the Kingdom of Ponorogo Bujanganom Kelono and his Deputy, escorted by warok (men dressed in black in the dance), and warok has a deadly black magic. The whole dance is a dance battle between the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Kediri Ponorogo, and pitted black magic between them, the dancers in a state of 'possession' when staged dance.
Until now people Ponorogo just follow what their heritage as a very rich cultural inheritance. In his experience art is copyright Reog human creations that form the cult of existing hereditary and awake. The ceremony was using terms that are not easy for lay people to fill the absence of a clear lineage. Parental lineage they embrace and customary law are still valid.

Warok until now still have a place as an elder in the community. Proximity to the spiritual world often make a warok asked for advice on the grip or the tranquility of the spiritual life. A warok supposedly have mastered what is called Reh Kamusankan True, the path of true humanity.

Warok is a force that relies on the truth in the struggle between good and evil in the story reog art. Parent is an umbrella warok figures, while Warok warok Young is still in early stages of study. Until now, Warok perceived as a figure who cast must have certain supernatural powers. Even some bad stories about life warok. Warok is the figure with the stereotype: wearing shorts, dressed in black, his supernatural powers and elders gemblakan.Menurut warok, Kasni Gunopati or known Mbah Wo Cats, warok not a arrogant because of its strengths.
Warok is a person who has a holy determination, ready to provide guidance and protection with no strings attached. "It comes from the word Warok wewarah. Warok is wong kang wewarah wealthy. That is, one becomes warok being able to give guidance or instruction to others about the good life "." Warok iku wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense "(Warok is a person who is perfect in his behavior, and until on the inner deposition).

Eligibility of Warok
Warok must run behavior. "Condition, the body must be clean because it will be filled. Warok must be able to rein in its passions, hunger or thirst, nor come into contact with women. Other requirements, a candidate must provide a warok rooster, 2.5 meters cloth, mats, and salvation together. After that, candidates will warok kanuragan forged with a variety of science and mysticism. Having declared the master of science, he then confirmed as a true warok. He obtained a weapon called the drawstring will, a similar length of white rope, weapons are the warok.

Warok true at the present time only the legend remains. Some groups warok in certain areas there are still holding fast to their culture and are still viewed as someone who is elder and respected, sometimes even government officials always ask for his blessing.

In addition to all the requirements that must be endured by the warok, hereinafter referred to as Gemblakan.Dahulu warok appeared known to have many gemblak, namely men aged 12-15 years teenage handsome and well groomed is maintained as kelangenan, which sometimes is more cherished than his wife and children . Maintaining gemblak is a tradition that has been deeply rooted in the community of artists reog. For a warok it is normal and socially acceptable. It is said that fellow warok never collide gemblak supernatural powers to fight a craving and it sometimes happens besides lending gemblak.

Costs incurred for a gemblak warok not cheap. If gemblak warok who maintain the school should pay for school purposes in addition to feed and shelter. Whereas if gemblak not in school then every year to give it a sapi.Dalam warok tradition brought by Ki Ageng Suryongalam, magic can be obtained when a warok not willing to have sex with women. It is said to be a necessity stemming from the teacher's orders to obtain supernatural powers.

The obligation to maintain any warok gemblak believed to be able to maintain his power. In addition there is a strong belief among warok, intimate relationship with a woman even with his own wife, can fade the whole magic warok. Mutual love, cherish and try to please is the hallmark of a special relationship between gemblak and waroknya. Practice gemblakan among warok, identified as homosexual practices because warok sensual indulgence should not be to women.

When it's already been a shift in conjunction with gemblakan. In the present gemblak difficult to find. Tradition maintains gemblak, there are more faded. Gemblak the first regular role as a dancer jatilan (kuda lumping), its role is now replaced by young girls. Whereas formerly the arts to be displayed without a single woman.

Reog in the Present
Artists Reog Ponorogo graduate art schools also provide touch on the development of dance reog ponorogo. Art school students to introduce the art of the stage and aesthetic movements koreografis, then be reog ponorogo with festivals like the format now. There is a story line, the sequence of whom appear first, namely Warok, then jatilan, Bujangganong, Klana Sewandana, then Barongan or sudden Peacock at the end. When one of these elements in action, other elements come to move or dance, though not prominent.

Several years ago, the Foundation initiated the founding of the Society of Reog Ponorogo Reog archipelago, whose members consist of reog groups from various regions in Indonesia who had taken part in the National Reog Festival. Reog ponorogo be very open to enrichment and changes in range of motion.
Posted by Admin — Jumat, 09 September 2011

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